Thursday, January 30, 2014

14 Things

So much is going on in my life and I can't help but feel so grateful. It took time and courage to get to where I am. I'm proud to say I'm me. So here is a gratitude list of the 14 things I'm already grateful for in 2014. 

1} I'm grateful for Pocatello, who would have thought that a new town is what I needed after crazy year of health problems and losing a sense of myself. Pocatello as brought me peace, love, and happiness into my life again. It has brought me closer to my family, my faith, and my hope. 

2} I love working at Washington Elementary. Although I want babes of my own, Heavenly Father has given me the opportunity to make a difference in children lives. I love going to recess and hearing the first graders call out, "Miss Chloe! Miss Chloe!" I love seeing the eyes of the children light up when I say they are smart. 

3} My unexpected best friend. A person that came into my life when I least expected, when I probably deserved it the least. This person reminds me I'm good, smart, and beautiful. Tries to understand me, my feelings, and emotional and physical health. And thats really all I ask for in a friendship is understanding and patience. 

4} A body that looks like it belongs to a twenty something year old. It's not that I was super over weight before but I knew what I was seeing wasn't the product of me working out and eating right. And my body doesn't hurt all over and I can go be crazy and run around. I'm grateful I'm 12 pounds lighter and that I look like me again!

5} To be able to get up in the morning at not feel pain. Sometimes you take for granted the little things and then those things are taken away from you. And if you are lucky you might get a second chance to get it back!

6} The best support team in the world.  I have my family and a wonderful group of friends. Although I'm terrible at keeping in touch I know they still love me and support me. I'm so grateful for my parents for letting me live with them until I figured my life out and I regained a healthier emotional health. I'm grateful for my friends that have stood by me and continued to believe in me even when it was getting hard.

7}To have a plan for the future. I'm one of those crazies that needs a plan to feel full filled. It took me about 4 1/2 months to figure it out.  It's not really that much of a secret anymore but my big secret is I have planned on Utah State to be my university where I will finish of my degree. I don't know whether thats graphic design or early childhood development we shall have to waitt for the future to unfold. Look out Logan, Utah here I come.

8} My faith that everything will be okay and will work out for the best. Sometimes my lack of patience likes to get in the way but when I do take a breath and rely on my faith I feel peace. I love those moments the best because I don't worry I'm just content with living in the present; I don't feel the need to rush.

9} My iPhone is my greatest source with connecting to those I love. I'm glad I'm able to send a quick text saying "I love you" or "I hope your having a great day" or  just "How is life going". I'm able to let them know that I am thinking about them. Not to mention I get to see all my friends crazy pictures and miss them like crazy because I miss living with them.

10} The book "A Man's Search for Meaning" is creating impact in my life because I'm rereading it again. I was required to read for a humanities class about Art and Propaganda. When I read it then, I was just reading it for a grade but now I'm reading it to gain perspective and to change my attitude. People can take everything from you, your livelihood, your family, your possessions but they can't take your attitude. That is the one thing they can not take from you.

11} I'm gaining patience. Some days it doesn't feel like it but its happening. And I'm glad I've kept working on it despite how difficult it is for me. I'm so grateful for patience because I know I can be overbearing and I know its something I need to give back in return because that is an excellent way to show appreciation back. 

12} My calling, having a leadership calling is quite hard but it has taught me how to serve better. What to do better when I no longer have this calling. I find myself teaching myself a lot more even though I'm the one teaching the lesson. I've learned so much of myself and I have strengthened my testimony.

13} Being able to look in the mirror and say I am beautiful. For the longest time I couldn't say it because I didn't believe. And then everyday for the past month( January) I said I am beautiful, strong, enough, smart, and a plethora of other characteristics I need to believe. It has helped that I have a best friend that tells me I shouldn't question my beauty, and that I should stop thinking I'm not. 

14}Natural Vitality's Calming Drink Mix. I know this may sound cheesy or maybe just pathetic but I'm always glad when I can find something that will help me sleep better at night. Since officially parting ways with my ADD medication (and I plan on to moving on to something else) I have had a hard time falling asleep. That is what I struggle the most with when I'm not taking medication (sometimes, I'll even lack the motivation to stay focused too but thats another story.). Not only does it help with my sleep it also helps with the anxiety too. 

Granted I'm thankful for a lot of things but these are definitely my top 14 (if there is such a thing as a top 14). I can't help but be so glad that I went through all that terribleness last year to be where I am at today. If it weren't for difficult trails I wouldn't be who I am today. I wouldn't be ready for all the changes that will be coming in my life in the next 5 months. Stay tuned! 

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