Friday, January 3, 2014

Stock Up

(One of my favorite blogs The Daybook has down this and she got the inspiration from another blog and I wanted to do it too. )
Since it's the new year and a month has passed since I've done this I thought it would be okay to do one again. 

Making :  Mix CDs for my little sister. Is that still a thing?
Cooking : Nothing at the moment but I did my funeral potatoes at christmas. Delicious.
Drinking : V8 Fusion, it's becoming an addiction.
Reading : Work for Money, Design for Love by David 
Wanting : More books. From every subject area, expect math. Math can die. 
Looking: at the gorgeous woodpeckers that come to my house to eat berries on the deck.  
Playing:  iTunes constantly. 
Wasting: to much time in my room on my bed. Now wonder I can't sleep at night.
Wishing: for a wonderful year. 
Enjoying:  all of my siblings being together.
Waiting: for my sister to give me a massage.
Liking: the direction my blog design is going.
Wondering: what it would be like to be a full time designer.
Loving: One Direction. What twenty-something girl doesn't. :)
Hoping: for a fun Friday night.
Marveling: that it's practically the end of the year and I'm a very different person. Where does the time go?
Needing: nothing, my life is so full right now.
Smelling: cologne I found amongst my things I think it was a present for that guy I was writing once upon a time. 
Wearing: Purple jeggings, black top, and a green sweater- typical fall weather 
Following:  Design blogs like crazy, I like seeing how designers solve their creative problems. 
Noticing: how it seems each passing year goes by faster
Knowing: everything will be alright in the end. 
Feeling: peace. There is no need for me to stress right now. 
Bookmarking: articles about the brain because mental health is very important.
Opening: old design files, making improvement. 
Giggling: at silly memes on pinterest. 

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