Monday, November 12, 2012

give thanks


Day 5: I am so, so grateful for modern technology.  I don't know if I could wait 3 weeks to get a letter. Emails are beautiful.

Day 6: I'm grateful to live in a nation where I can make my voice heard. The opportunity to vote is such a blessing. I will support the President even though we have our differences on some big issues.

Day 7: I'm grateful for my co-workers that are super fun! Never a dull moment when you have a mustache app! :) Sometimes I think my supervisors are the ones doing all the silly stuff!

Day 8: I'm grateful for my Teachings of the Living prophets class. I have learned so much about the great men of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are not guided blindly!

Day 9: I am so grateful I am alive. I have been blessed with this amazing life filled with wonderful blessings that are given to me everyday. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father loves me enough He sent me to this Earth to grow and to learn and to become like him. He has blessed me with a lot but I'm most grateful for this life.

Day 10: I'm grateful for cozy afternoons with roommates. Me in sweats bundled in a blanket with hot chocolate while watching a movie. Its quite the site but I love days like that.

Day 11: I'm grateful for the many great men and women past, present, and future that serve and protect our nation. I don't think I would ever feel safe with out them! They protect my rights and help those with no voice get their rights too!

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