Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dear Boys

It's been a while since I've done these. I guess a lot of it is I've just been pretty boring this semester. Working and doing homework and trying not to fall asleep in class. Ha. So here we go.

Dearest SG312,
What a fun bunch of guys.
Crazy that your roommate/
brother married my friend from
back home. I'll miss having
FHE when the semester is
Oakley girl

Dear boy,
Thanks for the awkward glances
during sacrament meeting. Really
appreciate feeling awkward.

Dear Daddy,
Thanks for making me feel special
and always taking care of me. Thank
for letting me get the iPhone for my
birthday. Get ready to be photo
your eldest daughter

Dear Fe Fi Fo,
Your a great home teacher even
though you are not my home
teacher this semester.
ce ci co

Dear S,
We've had so many adventures this semester.
I'm so glad you came back! Serious descussions
at the temple with ice cream will always be my
favorite. Glad I have you to yammer about my
life to.
Love C

Dear Missionary,
You have become the best thing I never knew I needed.
Things are starting to change and you come home soon!
I hope time flies and you'll be home and we can watch
movies together and tease each other in person.  Yeah
I hope 29 weeks goes fast cause lately your emails
have earned some brownie points. Proud of you for being
on the mission!
chloe chloe 

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