Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fail hard drive died on me. The Help Desk said they could pull off most of the stuff my hard drive. The little liars couldn't do a thing! They said my hard drive kept showing up as blank when they tried to pull stuff of it to put it on my external hard drive. And I cried for hours yesterday because so much of my graphic design work, pictures, and some pretty important documents were on there. Luckily a had a lot of my school assignments form my graphic design classes had been put on my external hard drive. I called me mom crying, walked into my apartment crying; I really didn't know what else to do. I ate mac & cheese out of the pot, that seems to cure most of my problems. It sort of worked. I kind of sat around and moped for a while, watched a movie with roommates, and gave thanks to God that I wasn't taking and heavily important classes. Like ART235 Graphic Design.

Now I have to make a big girl decision and decide what to do with this pickle I have. Buy a new hard drive, buy a new pc, or buy a mac. I'm all for buying a mac book pro but I'm already a poor college student with some money and after a purchase it I would be a poor college student with no money. Its definitely out weighing my first two options because I know a Mac will be perfect for my major and for the most part I know it will most likely last longer than a PC. I don't want to buy another hard drive that will give out because I'm using Adobe Creative sweep.

I was planning on getting my blog all updated and maybe start doing a new design change but I don't have a computer so this is what you get. If you want updates on my life totally follow me on instagram, and twitter! Maybe even facebook. I know you want to see me, awkward and awesome all the time!! Plus I think I'm super funny! ;)

1 comment:

  1. i feel for you! my computer crashed a few months ago. I would go with mac. it will be so worth it with your graphic design! if you don't get one now, you'll just get one later down the road, so in the long run, it will actually save money :) there's my unwanted advice. haha! good luck!
