Monday, February 18, 2013

Good Things

Its been awhile since I've done a good things post so I think it is much over due. 

First off I'm glad to know I have tons and tons of people who care about me. I love my roommates. I love how the are determined that I will be married someday, despite what I say other wise. They want me to find somebody. I have many friends who were willing to help me out with my computer situation. Advice.

Prayer. I relish in the fact that I know I have a Heavenly Father and He wants to hear from me. And He will speak to me as well. I was able to figure out what to do with my computer situation. It was really hard, and quite frustrating to make the decision for myself.  A big decision.  Wether or not to buy a new hard drive or a new computer.  I prayed, had my mom talk to my computer engineer uncle, and talked to the Help Desk about a computer that would help my needs the best as a graphic designer. So my prayer was answered and I now have a new computer. 

I have a new computer. Yes, I choose a mac and it has been the best fit for me!

I'm getting a car soon. I'll be glad to have a car, not excited about gas prices. All I know is it'll be a Toyota of some kind. 

My FHE group is quite spectacular. I am FHE mom and that has made things interesting. But I do love my group and how my groups gets a long so well. 

My family. I love talking to them and texting them! I sure do miss them and I can't wait to visit them! And the dog of course, really miss her! 

Priesthood blessings. I got one last week and it really strengthened my testimony. It was hard enough asking some one who was not my father but just asking is hard. I hate asking. But I guess thats something important to learn that sometimes we need to ask for help. I look forward to the day to when I'm sealed to my eternal companion who is a worthy priesthood holder.  

I forgot to mention my YSA word is amazing this semester! I love it so much! I really feel included in this ward and the Bishopric is fantastic! I don't know why it's taken me this long to get in an awesome ward. 

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