Friday, February 22, 2013

Hope ya know, I had a hard time.

My job allows me to have free range because basically my job right now is practically a dream a job; I do social media at work! While I was exploring to find something to post on the admissions that would brighten peoples' day, that's my favorite part I pick things that I think will inspire others just like inspires me, I stumble upon the new Mormon Message. Luckily I was in the back room because I started to cry really hard. President Eyring knew how I felt.

I was having a terrible couple of weeks. I had a terrible reaction to a numbing injection at the doctor's. I was trying to get rid of warts and my body does not like the numbing epinephrine shots. I found out the guy I was starting to really like liked another girl. I was lonely. I got a letter from my ex who still has delusions of seeing me after his mission.  My depression was going downhill because nothing seemed to be going right. I was getting homesick because I didn't feel good and I needed my family to just love me even though I was not the best person to be around. Then I started getting what I now know to be a migraine which has made my mood worse. I just wanted to go home. Then I find out I have to buy new adobe software after I just bought a new expensive computer. I needed to save for next semester.

I really wanted to just give up and break down. I'd been trying to get out of the funk I was in but nothing seemed to work. My roommates were trying really hard to make me feel better. I felt like my self-esteem was spent. Then I watched Mountains to Climb, proceeded to cry a lot while I was at work because I was reminded that the Savior knew, and I needed to have faith in him. I needed to move to the future with faith and greet the present with happiness. Somebody knew I was having a hard time. And that person was willing to help me. So was my family. They wanted to help me. Both know when I find it hard to say,"I hope ya know, I had a hard time." My dad is constantly reminding me to be positive, that good things are coming. My is always reminding me that I am loved by lots of people. Aubrie reminds that there is always something to laugh about. Lauren and Carter remind me to be a better example. And the Savior reminds me I'm never alone and He loves me for who I am.

There is nothing more that I need than the Savior, my family, and true friends that will constantly stand by me when times get hard. It is okay to tell some one your having a hard time. They will want to help you and they can help you.

1 comment:

  1. I love you! Thank you for posting 'Mountains to Climb' on FB. I watched it at work and started crying, too! I love your blog and miss you like crazy! ;)
