Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I was thinking about why I am so brutally honest about how I'm feeling on a very public scene. I'm so honest about how crappy how I feel sometimes, some could to honest. I came up with a list of reason but most importantly I do it for whoever reads my blog. I want them to know that sometimes life is hard and sometimes its okay to have a bad day. Somebody has hit as low as you and they were able to over come. I want others to know its okay to just feel. And honestly I sometimes find it annoying when a blog is all about the good. Life isn't just good. Life is hard! It can be the biggest pain in the butt. Its good to be happy but we really wouldn't know what happiness if we didn't have sad, frustrating moments. Sometimes you just need that moment to be sad about it, cry about it, and frankly talk about it. Get it out of the system. I'm so grateful my parents are okay with me calling them up sounding fine and then breaking out into tears. Its life. And its okay to feel that way. At least your feeling and your being honest with yourself. I guess I'm so open about my feelings because I want you to know your not alone if your feeling sad. And guess what I love you even if you are feeling sad today and sad tomorrow. Its okay to feel that way every once in a while. If you never were you wouldn't feel the slightest bit happier when I said I loved you for you! You are amazing one of a kind! And I'm being honest! I feel better when I share how I feel. And sometimes owning up feeling hurts but you feel better once you own it and get over it because you felt it!

Be honest with your self and your feelings. Its something I have learned to do to be a little bit happier about my life. I may not have perfect days and I know there are never going to be perfect days. But I do have perfect moments where everything is good and happy. And those are the moments I try to look at more often then the negative. I took a health and wellness class and its healthy to have a range of emotions. It is not healthy to suppress the feelings like they aren't there. Have a good reason to cry. Be sad and then do things to make you happy. Just be honest with yourself. If you're honest with yourself, you can be honest with others. If you are honest with yourself you can be happy being yourself! You can be happy you are you and nobody can be just like you ever. Sometimes the hardest person to be honest with is yourself. Make that change. Be honest with your feelings. Be honest with you! And then let it go and let it be!

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