Thursday, February 28, 2013

Home is Where Ever I Am With You

In a recent turn of events my parents are letting me use the camry while I’m at school. It has been the greatest blessing for me and for some of my roommates. The timing of being help to have car was quite remarkable. I was able to make it home even though it seemed  impossible that I would make it a specific weekend. Then fast forward to Wednesday when I’m back in Rexburg go to the doctor and have a terrible reaction again to a numbing agent that had epinephrine. Basically I feel okay after I’ve been given it and then it’s the following day when it feels like a bomb has exploded in my body. My head is throbbing, my arms hurt, I feel dizzy and feel short of breath. I just want to sleep rather than feel everything, I want to cry because I shouldn’t feel this way. Research from when this first happened, by my mother, found that I shouldn’t have anything with epinephrine. Epinephrine is adrenaline and because of my thyroid problem my body has a hard time getting rid of it. It makes me feel sick and ready to pass out every time I stand up. I’m in constant pain.

When this was happening again, my mother was furious. There is no stopping her when one of her babies is hurt or in pain. She talked to the doctor for me because I was super upset and wasn’t feeling well. My mom is incredible, she does hard things for me. Finally she calls after trying to get me a different doctor to help me in Rexburg, starts to cry on the phone with me, and I say I’m coming home so I can go to family doctor.

Nothing can replace family. Even though home isn’t really home for me any more, I always feel like I am at home with my family. They love me and are going to take care of me no matter what. Roommates are great and FHE family is great but its not really in their job description to take care of you or be worried about you. Haley and Kelcie, my roommates, have been great making sure I have everything and that I’m as comfortable as I can be. But family is different. As soon as I got home I was relieved. I was in a home that had the priesthood and the spirit present. I had people there who loved me. My siblings cheered me up right away by watching Goats who scream like humans.  I could set aside my frustrations that I was having awhile I was at work. You try so hard to feel like everything is fine but you aren’t, you just want someone to look at you, hug you, and say I know you aren’t alright let me help you, let me make you feel better, let me hold you while you cry. That’s what family is for. Family is there to help you reassemble yourself from falling apart. Family is there to love you when you want to hate yourself. Family is there to remind you that Heavenly Father never intended for you to be alone on this earthly journey.  Family will always be important to me because when I look at them I see home. 

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