Saturday, March 2, 2013

New Testament: The Vision of Peter | Acts 10

I will be doing weekly posts about the New Testament for my religion class. Hopefully those who read this find my insights helpful for different chapters and books in the New Testament. We are studying from Acts to Revelation so do enjoy!

Acts 10:1-17, Acts 11:1-18

-Who appeared to Cornelius and what was his message?
An angel of the Lord appeared unto Cornelius. The angel tells Cornelius to send men to Joppa and to call upon Peter and have Peter come to Cornelius.

-What was Peter's reaction to the Lords command during his vision upon the housetop?
Peter was a little astonished that the Lord would ask him and tell him to eat something unclean and common. Due to the lifestyle of the Jews they didn't eat anything with an uncloven hoof and a number of other things that weren't "kosher". He was surprised the Lord would ask such a question. Peter hadn't done such a thing.

-Why did Peter react the way he did?
He reacted the way he did because he hadn't eaten anything that unclean and common. He thought the Lord was talking about eating things Peter shouldn't. Peter acts as if the Lord is accusing him, chastising him about something he didn't do. Peter didn't understand that the Lord was teaching him something else.

-Why do you think the Lord repeated the vision three times to Peter?
I believe the Lord repeated the vision to Peter three times because Peter was having a hard time understanding the vision, he was probably confused like Joseph Smith was when the messenger came to him three times. It was the Lord's way of ensuring Peter actually understood what he was seeing. Sometimes we need to be repeated to about something to understand what the Lord is telling us.

Acts 10:18-36, 44

-When Peter clearly understood the meaning of the vision, what did he declare?
"Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (He is Lord of al:)." (Acts 10:34-36)

-What does it mean that "God is no respecter of persons"?
It means God does not think more or less of a person. He respects all people. He wants everyone to hear the gospel. It doesn't matter the person is a jew, a gentile, or a citizen of the Roman Empire. He wants all people to hear the gospel and to become clean. He doesn't think more of one person over another person. He does not want a select few to know about Him, He wants all to know about him.

-How did the Holy Ghost assist the Jewish saints in understanding that the blessings of the gospel where to be available to all people at that time?
The Holy Ghost feel on all of those that would hear the words of Peter. From my reading in the manual it says that the Holy Ghost was used as a way of a convincing power. Since the people were not baptized, the Holy Ghost convinced the people of the power of God. The Holy Ghost was able to testify to all of those who were desirous to hear the word of God.

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