Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thoughts While Watching Emmit

When my good friend Taja announced on FB she needed someone to watch Emmit I had to jump at the chance. I was just working and taking a few classes and I had missed the chance to see her and her litle family while they were still in Rexburg. Taja let me know that she was comfortable with me watching Emmit for a half hour. I was so excited. 

While watching sweet little Emmit I have gotten to think a lot. He's gotten so big just over the course of  2 months that I have watched him.  I love watching him explore and look at things with amazement. My favorite is when he people watches or when he's trying to talk while he sucks on his fingers.  Sometimes its been just a little embarrassing, him crying in the library, I can't get him to stop because I'm not mom, and people are starring. Watching him has made me realized how excited I am to be a mother. Before I have always wanted to be a mom but know I really am super excited and utterly can't wait to be a mom. I want to see my child get excited to see me like Emmit gets excited when he can see mom. I want to be their for the milestones of my children, crawling, making jabber, playing with toys, pulling themselves up, trying to walk while they hold their hang on to your hands. I want to experience the love a mother has for her child. How exciting is that. I know that someday it will come and I'll try my hardest to be patient. Trust me there have been plenty of times when I'm with Emmit in the Mckay Library and people come up to me and say, "Your baby is  socute." And each time I want to say thank you and claim him as mine but thats just weird and frankly its kind of wrong. I just polite say oh I'm just the baby sitter but he is really cute isn't he. Ha but a girl like me can dream and suppress her baby hunger. At least I get to watch little Emmit, which has been one of my greatest things I have gotten to do this semester. 

I just hope I can be a good mother like I see Taja is to Emmit, like my friends' moms were to them, and how my own mom was for me. I can't wait to use the creative power Heavenly Father has given me at the right time, in the right way. Men may have the power of the priesthood but they don't have the same kind of bond a mother has with a child. I can't wait to pregnant, to be connected to Heavenly Father with raising His precious child He has trusted me with. I wish more women understand their role better, and not just throw it away because they think some guy is going to boost their self-esteem. When I've watched Emmit, I have felt the Holy Ghost testify to me the importance of woman in God's plan and how I need to continually stay worthy so I can be apart of that plan. Being a Graphic Designer is going to be awesome and I look forward to what the future holds in that but being a mother is going to a be an even more amazing job. Isn't Emmit such a handsome guy, he's quite the charmer too. 

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