Sunday, March 31, 2013

I can do all things in Christ.

There is a reason that I  love Easter and Christmas so much. The reason is Christ and what He taught us by coming to this Earth. A few years ago I posted this. It is one of the best illustrations of what the Atonement actually is.

I know Christ came to this Earth to teach us how to become like our Father in Heaven. I know Christ came to this Earth because He loved us all very, very much and wanted to help us. I know Christ came to this Earth not only to atone for our many, many sins but also for our pain, infirmities, sicknesses, and feelings of being alone. I know He loved me so much He offered Himself so I could return home to my Heavenly Father and to Him. I know that through my struggles that Christ will always be there to help. I am never alone because of Him. I can know that someone went through this before. He went through it to know me physically. I can become perfect through Him.  I can be resurrected someday and hopefully live in His presents. I know Jesus Christ lives. I know He conquered death and sin. Through Christ I can do anything. I never feel alone knowing He loves me and as a older brother He provided a wonderful example. I know Christ lives, I know He loves, I know I can do hard things with His help, and I know I will someday perfected in Him. I know and I believe.

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