Sunday, March 10, 2013


I was surprised and really proud when my best friend Sharla said she was working on her papers to go on a mission. I never thought she would go but when she told me I knew she was going to be an incredible missionary. I anticipated the day when she would get her call. I was excited for her, she was going to go change people's lives. I was shocked like the next person when she got called to the Washington, Seattle mission. I cried when she opened it and said that she got to serve the Lord as a missionary for the Church Jesus Christ.

Sharla and I met when we first assigned to live in an apartment together our first semester of college. I never expected Sharla and I to get as close as we did. We were friends and we were roommates and I don't know what happened but all of sudden we were close. Actually I know what happened. My room roommate drove me up the wall that semester and I confined in Sharla. I loved that Sharla accepted me for who I was and wanted to be my friend. She was a friend that made me feel important just like I tried to make her feel important because she is my friend. Truth be told of those who know me, she's the one that corrupted me. (I love you Shar!). I've learned a lot of things from Sharla but most importantly that I could find another best friend while I was at college.  I didn't think anyone could be my best friend like Josi was or even replace Josi. She didn't replace Josi and nobody will ever replace Josi but my heart was able to grow more. I could be bests friends with more than one person. I could be best friends with a girl that I never thought I would be friends with. Sharla taught me about the atonement that God knows what you need and He gave me Sharla when I really needed a friend when I felt lost my first Semester.  Sharla has taught to be kind to everyone, being silly together can solve a lot things, laughing cures a broken heart, having a boyfriend isn't everything, to be faithful in the gospel, and how to be a true friend. I'm going to miss our phone calls and face time while she is out in the mission field. I don't know what I'm going to do about boys because she has the greatest advice. But their are people in the Seattle Mission that need to hear the gospel from her. Get to know her vibrant spirit. She is going to be a fantastic missionary and she'll work really hard while she is out serving. I know that for a fact because she is a wonderful friend. I hope she knows how proud I am of her. She's helped me grow in so many ways. Sharla thanks for being my best friend and always believing in me even when I had a hard time believing in myself. :) I love you to death! You'll be a rockin' sister missionary.

(Sorry there are no recent pictures of Sharla and I. I wish we did but we'll have to wait until she gets back!)

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