Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Testament: Jesus is Greater Than Angels | Hebrews 1&2

In these chapters we learn about Christ. Why he came to this Earth, his power, what is purpose was on this Earth. I liked the insights that I have gained from these two chapters. 

What is Jesus Superior?

Jesus Christ is superior to angels, Moses, High Priests of Moses, and the Aaronic priesthood. 

What are three truths that can be found in Chapter 1 of Hebrews?

1-Jesus Christ atoned for our sins, so we could be clean of sin. 
2-We are created in God's image, Jesus Christ is in the image of our Father. 
3-God Speaks to us by of his Prophets
4-Christ created al the worlds

Christ came to this Earth to gain a mortal experience just like us. A mortal experience of trails, pain, and affliction. He needed to come to this Earth to receive a body of flesh and blood. Christ needed to come to this Earth to atone for the sins of His brothers and sisters, to understand how to help them better. If he hadn't done the atonement He would have only known as spiritually. By sacrificing Himself He was able to understand us physically. By understanding us physically He is able to be merciful towards and understand how to be able to succor HIs people. He knows why we sin, what we are feeling, our pains, and our trails. He came to this earth so he had a better understanding of how He could help us. 

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