Tuesday, February 26, 2013

John Hughes did not direct my life.

Nope he didn't and I can't seem to direct people in my own life because they have their own life. I can't tell guys that what they did was jerk worthy. Maybe its a good idea so they have some sense of why a girl is mad. Are girls just to overly sensitive or are guys really that thick? I know men have great intentions, a select few really don't, but for the most part they do. A select few know what chivalry is. And of that select few actually make an effort to be chivalrous. But could it be this "I'm an independent girl" persona that has caused guys to not be chivalrous.

For me I guess I do exude that kind of persona because I'm that 10-story building you can't find on google maps even if you tried. I can relate so much to how Olive Panderghast fells in the beginning Easy A. Except I don't plan on unintentionally spreading rumors about myself that I'm a "hussy". I would have to some how unattach myself from Audrey Hepburn, because she would be greatly disappointed. But back to what I was saying, maybe I act all "Miss Independent" because I want to seem okay and strong. I don't need help from a guy and I don't want to seem lazy. I don't want to see pathetic and think a guy is that important so I come on as a strong very independent. But maybe I'm contributing to this whole chivalrous problem. I'm denying guys to practice chivalry to the point that they don't want to try anymore. 

I seem to put up a lot of fronts. When it comes to love I seem to be this deep cynic about it because I've never had a "real boyfriend" or had a guy interested in me enough to ask me out. I all romantic comedies for distorting my view on love. Because basiclly my life is a romantic comedy except there is no romance and its just me laughing at my own jokes.Or the sarcastic front I tend to put up when I'm around the guy that I like. Or I pull I'm so independent I don't need a man, a boyfriend as a matter of fact. 

Don't get me wrong I truly love being single but putting up those fronts and pushing people away because I want to remain that 10-story building no one can find can get pretty lonely and frankly it can be depressing. So I guess my effort this week is to put myself out there and direct my own life because John use most certainly won't tell me what to do it. Allow guys to be chivalrous for me. Have them do things for me when they offer. Be more of a lady than being so independent. So its time to pop in some Audrey Hepurn and watch a Lady with more class than anyone in this world at work. So women let's be ladies and let the men be gentlemen. We aren't going to get anywhere if we keep directing each other. John Hughes will just laugh at us and say, "Pathetic."

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