Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dear Boy{27}ยี่สิบเจ็ด

Dear Boys in line,
I'm impressed you came
to see Ingrid with your
girlfriends. Brownie
points for you!
-ingrid fan

Dear Mustache Tee,
You make me smile every
single time I look at you.
-mustache obsessed

Dear S,
Why did you have to leave
me all by myself in Rexy. I
miss our ice cream chats
and its only been 1 week.
Boo! Come back!

Dear Tiffany's Security Guy,
Thanks for asking me if I
was looking for anything
in particular. It made me feel
super classy!
-not in my price range

Dear 81st Ward,
You definitively show promise and
I'm really impressed. Looking
forward to the rest of the semester.
-red dress

Dear Boy,
....yeah blank. got
nothing for you this post.
I should come up with a
nickname for you...hmm.
geez blank again.

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