Saturday, April 14, 2012

moved in.

I'm officially a Northgate Girl and I'm loving it. 
I feel like I can actually breathe in this apartment. 
I'm glad my parents agreed it was a good move. 

This may seem silly but as soon as I came in and saw the picture of the first vision 
I knew this was where I was supposed to be. I felt that this semester was going to be good. 
And I got through unpacking as fast as I could because seeing all the crap
{yes I called my stuff crap} all over the floor was driving me crazy.
I think its been the fast unpacking of my life. 

My parents spoiled me with food and new pillows
and not to mention the new bike I'll be getting in the mail sometime.  

So I'll give you a small tour of my new room. 

{Bathroom for 2}

{why hello man with a mustache}

{that's just my half of the room}

 {did I mention I get my own closet}

{Audrey, Paris, Faith, and Mustaches go together}

I went to the temple this morning to make me feel better. 
All this change in one day and sorta feeling left out. 
Its the fast I have ever been through the temple in Rexburg for baptisms. 

 {Rexburg how I've missed you and your fantabulous} 

I'm really glad that the temple is a lot closer this semester. 
I feel like I'll be going their a lot this semester. 

I'm looking forwaard to all the adventures that will happen this semester 
and from living in a new location. 

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