Monday, April 30, 2012

thank you.

When I look at my stats for my blog it surprises me. 
Who would want to read about the rants of a 20 year old?
Apparently you do and that makes me happy. 
So thank you for reading this little side project of mine. 
Thanks for supporting me when my path seems rough. 
I'm glad I have people who love me and like what I write.
So here's to this blog that has grown into something more than I planned. 
As I read old posts I can't believe how much I have grown. 
So here's to this journal/blog thing. 
May it keep growing. 
Let it help me blossom. 
So here's to my love affair with this crazy beautiful life. 
I've been given a good one for sure. 
I love you and thank you again for your love!

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