Sunday, April 29, 2012

i'm lucky

I'm in a family foundations class this semester. 
Its probably one of the best choices I have made besides the
fact that I am required to take the class in order to graduate from BYU-I.
As we are reading articles about The Family: a Proclamation to World
I have been thinking a lot about my family. 

I'm lucky to have the family that I have. 
I'm so lucky I got to choose them.
I'm grateful for a Heavenly Father that didn't want me to come to this Earth alone.
He wanted me to  know he loves me.
 I have such wonderful family.
I have been raised in the gospel.
Grown up in a home where I  know my parents love each other and love me.
It makes me so grateful because other children don't get that blessing.

{really need an updated picture of my family all of us look like little babies}

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