Saturday, June 30, 2012

Adventure Time

Despite being sick with a cold this week I've manged to have plenty of adventures. Spelunking, roommate fun with movies and applebee's, climbing towers and train cars. That's how we do it. And go and park in residential areas and turn up the music and go a little crazy. Yeah I've got the coolest roommates ever. 

And today will be spent being chill and getting some rest and watching some I love Lucy. Sounds like a good plan uh? I think so, sometimes that's the best kind of adventure.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dear Boy {36} trente-six

Dear PA and AZ,
Maybe I was a little harsh
to say I was done. I just
didn't know what else to

Dear Science boy,
It makes me laugh that you'll
only turn to the back row to
talk if I'm there. It makes
me smile.
-not paying attention

Dear J,
Congrats on your engagement.
I guess I can live in a world
where you get married. I never
thought that it would happen
so soon.
-old fhe sister

Dear other J,
Um...sad but true I listen to
You belong to Me by Taylor Swift
and think of you. I wish I didn't.

Dear Green,
I haven't heard from you and your girl
in a long time. Whats up with that?!
-girl in normal clothes

Dear boy,
Come soon....
love, D&W

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A little western....

Just playing around with some shapes and a different typeface.
If you haven't heard you can email me at my new email:
So girls contact me for your wedding announcements! I can do something new original and even the classic collage of pictures. I'll work with you to get you the announcement of your dreams.
Tell your friends and families about me! I can't wait to hear from you!! It'll be fun!


I need to some help with some HTML Coding for my design studio/portfolio blog. I tried to look up stuff on the google and I feel super confused. So please if you know anything about HTML coding or know someone who does please let know! I need help!!! Please I'm dying!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Exciting stuff

So good news I have a new work email to contact me about all of your design needs drum roll....

And the design blog just for that is under construction. I'm supper super excited for this new adventure. Tell your friends about me and I can't wait to hear from you.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

New announcement

{Chevron Stripe with fun colors and type faces.} 

Newest Wedding Announcement Design. And I've got some prices!
All previously designed announcements are $35 dollars. 
New and original announcements are $15.50 an hour. 
Grad Announcements are $45. {Mock ups coming soon)


I want sleep all the time. More than normal, sadly. Went to the doctor. Got my medication, that was starting to cause problems, readjusted and I'm taking a lower dose now. There have been some calls home with many tears and lots of frustrations talked out but things should be getting better. Besides that my French is sorta getting better {have I mentioned I got a 100% on my oral evaluation}. I feel like homework is kind of drowning me. I just love it when school just throws up on me.
Life is crazy but beautiful at the same time. I've got awesome roommates, wonderful friends from class so I really can't complain.  I'm eating brownie batter for breakfast {I know you are super jealous}
And yes I can't help but smile that everyone ad their dog are getting engaged. Its good to here that there are guys out there that are good and aren't wasting their life away. And yes I'm 20 years old{21 in 5 months YIKES!} and that doesn't mean I need to get married right away or even be worried by the word marriage. Heck I don't need to start worrying until I'm 35. Then I can worry like a crazy person. But for now there is no need to worry. I'm happy and trying to get healthy.

God is good and He blesses me everyday to find something to smile about. Whether is some random stranger waving at me on campus or a phone call to my mom. He's always looking out for me. I may mountians that seem impossible to conquer but I can with the Savior's help. I can be happy because of His atonement. Faith. I have faith everything will get better and everything will fall into proper place. 

{One of my favorite stories from the Gospels}

Je ressens son amour dans le monde autour de moi. Je ressen son esprit dans tout ce que je vois. Il sait que je le suivrai, ma vie lui donnerai. Je ressens tout l'amour qu'll m'offre chaque jour. {Guess what song this is with out google translate. Well try at least with out google translate.} Oh and other cool thing I can sing I'm a Child of God in French. That makes me pretty happy!

Je t'aime. :) Smile and be happy today!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear Boy {35} trente-cinq

Dear J,
Why do you have a girlfriend?!
No its a good thing I just miss
your advice you'd give me.

Dear Dad,
Why do boys have to be so
incompetent more often
than most.

Dear AZ and PA
I'm done.

Dear Amsterdam,
I'm not an old maid and I can 
get married when ever it happens(heck when I'm 35). 
Frankly its your gender who does
now how to ask girls on dates
these days.
-20 years old
p.s. I think you should meet Sister Dew

Dear Mr. Wonderful, 
Please come and find me! I honestly
feel like people are trying to
drown me.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

mon père....

To the man that has taught me how to be happy and be a hard-worker 
You taught me even if things don't come easy keep going after it, it will eventually come. 
You are super awesome at marathons and a whiz accountant!
He loves is wife and has taught me how I should be treated by boys.
You are the best dad a girl could ask for. Je t'aime

{Got the idea from pinterest and made my own verision}

Friday, June 15, 2012

for fun!

I saw this quote on pinterest and had to come up with my own design. I need to be better about designing something everyday. I'm working on getting a separate blog up that is just for my portfolio and my own personal business and anything and everything about good design and inspiration. 
I need to come up with a project for me to do. I was reading Brother Franson's blog and I talked about doing a project to keep you practice. I loved his doodle-a-day project. I need something, it will come soon. So enjoy this. 
{Please do not use with out my permission and do not copy. This is my own work! Thank you!}

Dear Boy {34} trente-quatre

Dear Boy who found my phone,
To bad you weren't cute. 
But then I again I just got
my hopes up to high.
-Miss Placed 

Dear J&J
I've decided your in a competition
with each other to see who gets
the youngest girlfriend. I'm not
bitter it just feels really, really weird.
-old fhe sister

dear rocker,
maybe you should cry about it
and things will get fixed :)! To
bad the joking didn't start sooner.
-girl who sits next you

Dear S,
COME BACK! I miss you in class
with me. Graphic Design isn't the
same with out you. Ice cream
when you come back? Yes? YES!
Its a plan stan!

Dear Mr. Wonderful,
Maybe its time you asked for directions
cause this girl needs a best friend. Mainly
someone to talk to while up at school. I
know asking for directions is a stab at your
pride but being lost is worse!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

i'm doing it right

Design is kind of an interesting thing. Sometimes you feel like "AH maybe I'm not cut out for this and I should just pick a different major. This is just to hard and I can't come up with anything!" Well I usually feel like that a lot and I finally had a breakthrough moment for my typography class. The first to projects were good but not amazing. I was kind of struggling because I was in a class where I wasn't the teacher favorite anymore, and this teacher really doesn't have favorites either. But this teacher is so helpful and insideful. He actually helps me and tells me what I need to fix and how to fix it instead of just going around it like we're beating a dead horse. I wish I could have Brother Franson for all of my graphic design classes. 

So I'm enjoying my moment where I actually created something solid and Brother Franson thought it was a really good and effective design because I really emulated the word deceiving. Its moments like this that make me realize I'm in the right major. I am pretty good. This moment I realized I need to have faith in myself that I can come up with effective designs and that I am good at it. I may need a little more training but I'm off to a good start!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today has been quite interesting. I've received terrible news that has really quite baffled me. 
All I can say is its good I'm going home. 

I'm in this mood where the slightest thing people do on campus are just driving me up the wall. I'm starting to wonder if its really my thyroid that is causing problems or something else that will not be disclosed at this time. But really I think that my thyroid levels are higher than most normal people. 

Went to a gateway seminar for sweet Whitney. It was worth it. The guy giving the presentation made sitting there all the worth it. Sadly he didn't ask for my number. C'est vrai. 

I'm practically in love with the French Language. I just wish I was fluent. But someday that will come. 

I have an awesome FHE group but mainly Whitney's home is the coolest place! 
We went to her parent's house in good ol' Ashton. It is so beautiful out at the Stevens home. It made me want to go camping. Then I found out about all the bears that live out in there in the woods near their home (They live 38 miles from Yellowstone). Still cool but I realized what whimp I am. I'm still going to go back out there and see a bear. So while we were out there we went looking for bears and got a little dirty. So worth it. Had you're typical camp fire and heard stories about bears from Whitney's dad. And of course he was egging me own and made me jump and scream at one point because I thought there was a bear waiting for us. He taught us a  fire dance, I couldn't stop laughing while we were doing it. Oh how I love summer. 

 {Getting ready to play no bears are out tonight with real bears...
   Don't worry Jenna had the bear spray.}

{Picture time before heading out to bear pond}

{Nothing like getting muddy from a four-wheeler. Gotta love getting muddy!}

I hope everyone is having a great week, cause everyone deserves one! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Halfway Mark

Wow. Registering for my junior year of college. Kind of strange when I feel like I have some classes where I need to focus on bringing my grade back up! Ugh I know terrible of me but when you focus your attention on one class that is super important to you some classes can get forgotten. So yes I have officially registered for my for first semester as a junior and their is this great possibility I could stay in the burg during winter semester and continue my studies so I can graduate sooner. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing with minor/clustering. To just do a minor in business or do a cluster in business and another cluster. Ah sometimes I wish what I was supposed to do. Getting the answer to not do BFA was a blessing because I realized how stressed I would be by just doing Graphic Design (three classes of art a semester, INTENSE) and the big huge project I would be doing. Realizing I want to do my own business and making clients and people happy was enough for me!  So this semester its about Art History II, Printmaking I, Introduction to Business, Preparing for Eternal Marriage(don't be getting ideas, I'm just trying to make myself better!), Beginning French II, and of course finishing up Art Seminar for the final time! Its interesting to finally be here at the halfway mark of college. Where did time go? I may not be  getting perfect grades(AKA straight As) but I am doing my best. And I'm learning to be happy with who I am and with where my life is taking me. Realizing being healthy and happy is the most important thing a person can have. Friends come after that and really it doesn't matter if you have 1 friend or 20 friends as long as you are confident about yourself. 

I know its early to say what this semester has taught me but I've been taught so much already. 
I've been doing a lot of things on my own, going to the park, things on campus, devotional ect. because I wanted to be okay with doing things by myself. I wanted to know that I'm okay with out going by myself. Something fun can still be fun by myself.  I don't need to worry myself sick because I didn't have someone to go with me. How to be more considerate of others. I don't think I have ever done so well with dishes before. I'm okay with doing everybody's dishes because it makes me feel good to do something that nice and I'm staying on top of my dishes. You are beautiful even if you don't get dates. In Rexburg there are two types of girls. Those who get asked on a date all the time(3/10 girls) and those who just aren't asked on dates(7/10 girls).  You can probably guess which one I am.  This semester I have learned how timid and shy guys actually are. You may show interest but they still don't know that you do like them or they just don't know what they want from a girl. Don't worry one will come along.
Sometimes your thyroid can be a wench and a half but you can rise above it with the help of amazing friends and family. And to those going to college for the first time in the fall real friends will still be your friends when times get tough and they help you get through it. Not so great of friends leave you on the curb and just ignore you. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Good Things

Getting to see Mr. Cosby! Probably one the greatest moments in my life. 

Girls night with Miss Katrea! I almost wanted to ball my eyes out during a Walk to Remember. 

Sorbet. I've become quite addicted to the stuff and I need to stop buying it! 

French music thats taking over my iPod. Really trying to submerse myself in the langue. I'm slowly getting there. Not fluent. But at least I can do greetings, give descriptions of people, count to a trillion(yes be jealous), I can say I don't know and I'm lost. Le Prince Charmant probably my favorite right now. 

I was quite okay going out in public with no makeup on. It felt refreshing. But your not getting a picture of the experience. 

I'm going home for Father's Day! I'm so ready for a visit home and be with ma famille! 

Catching myself starting to spell words in french in a text :)

Deciding to push for zero dates this semester. Trust me it is possible and no don't tell me I shouldn't think like that. I want to and you can't stop me. Don't give me that look I've made up my mind. 

Finally deciding that most guys for the most part don't mean to hurt you. They just don't know. And if they seem like jerk they really aren't. It just means they aren't meant for you but are perfect for some other girl that really needs him. 

This really isn't good but its weird. The two guys that I've kissed were both named Dallin. Bizarre I know and your wondering how that could even happen. We will save those two stories for another day and time. Which probably means never on this blog.

Talking to my mom on the phone! Some may say I call her to much but she's my best friend and I need her when no one else understands! 

Owning  up to how I feel and accepting things as they are. 

Finding out from the doctor all my thyroid levels are fine but one. Most of that is good but good grief thyroid why does one need to be low! 

And I leave you with two favorite songs write now:

cause really I want is to be free! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

this one time...

Rexburg has gotten a real treat this week! Bill Cosby has been in town!
Luckily Linds was able to secure us tickets. And then they added more shows. 
But it was all good! It was good to have a night full of laughs. 
I wish I could remember all of his jokes cause he had some really good ones. 
Did you know he has an app?
So ladies and gent pull out your smart phones and put Bill Cosby's app on your phone!
My favorite thing that he said that I did remember was"I don't know what the penguin said or did for God to decide to not give it any knees. Thank goodness God moved the butt down too."
I'm pretty sure I botched that, I guess I should give up my dreams of being a stand up comedian.  
But seriously Bill Cosby has been my favorite ever since I watched the Cosby show 
as a kid. Still crackin' jokes at 75 and has been married to his wife for 48 years. 
So yes be jealous of my night! Cause I would be jealous of me and the rest of the people 
in all the sold out shows of Bill Cosby(3 or 4 I think). 

I leave you with this:


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

all because two people feel in love

22 years ago today my parents got married for all time and eternity in the Logan Temple. 
I really couldn't have asked for better parents. 
They have taught me a lot. 
Their example and their love for each other is one of the many reasons why 
I look forward to the day when I can be sealed to my best friend. 
My parents have taught me the gospel and about life. 
They have taught me to be kind and forgiving. 
They've taught me how to work hard and to never settle for anything less. 
They understand and love me for who I am.

So here's to you Mom and Dad. 
I'm so glad you found each other and you show me and my siblings
everyday what love truly means. 
So keep holding hands and kissing in front of us. 
Because it is important to us, your children, to know you love each other. 

Honestly I just keep thinking I would be half a person if they hadn't met 
and didn't get married. Yeah that's just weird. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dear Boy {33} trente-trois

Dear J,
Sadly you disappoint me.
I expected more from
you. This feeling is reminding
me of the deep hatred
I had for the boys in my class
during senior of HS when it
came to dances.

Dear AZ,
You are way to confusing
and at the same time exhausting.
Maybe or not maybe. We'll see
cause its your turn to make a

Dear Guy Sunbathers,
I've written to you before and
I'm doing it again! You creep me out
Play basketball or some productive sport
outside while you try to tan.
Laying out just proves how much of a
pretty boy you are!
-disturbed biker

Dear Mat Kearney,
Marry me! Your music makes me
happy and I think its a good start.
Think about it.
P.S. I'm sure your wife is one lucky lady!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tender Mercies of the Lord

‎"But Behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chose, because of their faith,
to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." 
1 Nephi 1:20

Today I have been blessed with the tender mercies of the Lord. 
I heard things that I needed to hear and it has raised my spirit. 

To me when experiences like this are happening I know its 
because my Heavenly Father loves me and he is letting 
me know he has not forgotten me. 

I've had a rough couple of weeks. 
And I've been asking a lot of questions. 
Questions like:
 Why do my favorite people that understand me the 
most all have to be gone from Rexburg at the same time.?
Why do I have this thyroid problem?
Why do I feel so alone?

Well I don't know the answers to all of those questions. 
But I do know a solution for the last. 

The atonement of Jesus Christ. 
Isn't that a wonderful tender mercy. 
Just to have a knowledge of his atonement. 
He walked and went alone so I would never be alone. 
My sadness and anger can be taken away because of His sacrifice of himself. 

So today I was blessed of a tender mercy of going to church.
Of listening to testimonies and the wonderful lesson my roommate
( /RS Pres) gave today on forgiveness.
Of cooking 28 pounds of ground beef with my roommates,
hanging out with them and having a good time.
Of feeding baby ducks.
Of going to a wonderful Relief Society Fireside hearing
words from a wonderful Stake President.
Of talking to my mom, my best friend, on the phone for a good while.

My life is still good even with the lows.
Jesus Christ makes sure of it as long as you believe.
I’m grateful I believe because Heavenly Father
blesses me with his love and his tender mercies. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Well it sucks to be honest,
 and it hurts to be real

Sorry no dear boys this week. 
Boys are to much of a headache and a heartache right now. 

As I've said in the previous post I don't feel up to par or even a bogey. 
I really haven't been wanting to write anything 
because I know anything that I do comes out like some sad nonsense
no one wants to listen to or be around. 
I can't wait until the lab results come back. 
 I know I'll feel better once the doctors figure out whats going on. 

Its moments like these that really make me miss home. 
I wish I could be home where my parents can love me and understand
why I'm not feeling so well. I wish I could be home right now. 
Cry in my mom's shoulder and  hide from the world. 
Have my little brother hug me because I am crying. 
My sisters telling me how gorgeous and pretty I am. 
My dad telling me it will get better. 
Tonight I  have them doing that in my head since I cant' be with them. 

Sometimes life sucks. 
And sometimes its hard to really express how we feel. 
And sometimes it hurts to share that with people. 
Sometimes it hurts to feel what you are actually feeling. 
The good thing to know is that life will get better after hard times and you grow.