Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tender Mercies of the Lord

‎"But Behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chose, because of their faith,
to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." 
1 Nephi 1:20

Today I have been blessed with the tender mercies of the Lord. 
I heard things that I needed to hear and it has raised my spirit. 

To me when experiences like this are happening I know its 
because my Heavenly Father loves me and he is letting 
me know he has not forgotten me. 

I've had a rough couple of weeks. 
And I've been asking a lot of questions. 
Questions like:
 Why do my favorite people that understand me the 
most all have to be gone from Rexburg at the same time.?
Why do I have this thyroid problem?
Why do I feel so alone?

Well I don't know the answers to all of those questions. 
But I do know a solution for the last. 

The atonement of Jesus Christ. 
Isn't that a wonderful tender mercy. 
Just to have a knowledge of his atonement. 
He walked and went alone so I would never be alone. 
My sadness and anger can be taken away because of His sacrifice of himself. 

So today I was blessed of a tender mercy of going to church.
Of listening to testimonies and the wonderful lesson my roommate
( /RS Pres) gave today on forgiveness.
Of cooking 28 pounds of ground beef with my roommates,
hanging out with them and having a good time.
Of feeding baby ducks.
Of going to a wonderful Relief Society Fireside hearing
words from a wonderful Stake President.
Of talking to my mom, my best friend, on the phone for a good while.

My life is still good even with the lows.
Jesus Christ makes sure of it as long as you believe.
I’m grateful I believe because Heavenly Father
blesses me with his love and his tender mercies. 

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