Friday, June 15, 2012

Dear Boy {34} trente-quatre

Dear Boy who found my phone,
To bad you weren't cute. 
But then I again I just got
my hopes up to high.
-Miss Placed 

Dear J&J
I've decided your in a competition
with each other to see who gets
the youngest girlfriend. I'm not
bitter it just feels really, really weird.
-old fhe sister

dear rocker,
maybe you should cry about it
and things will get fixed :)! To
bad the joking didn't start sooner.
-girl who sits next you

Dear S,
COME BACK! I miss you in class
with me. Graphic Design isn't the
same with out you. Ice cream
when you come back? Yes? YES!
Its a plan stan!

Dear Mr. Wonderful,
Maybe its time you asked for directions
cause this girl needs a best friend. Mainly
someone to talk to while up at school. I
know asking for directions is a stab at your
pride but being lost is worse!

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