Thursday, June 14, 2012

i'm doing it right

Design is kind of an interesting thing. Sometimes you feel like "AH maybe I'm not cut out for this and I should just pick a different major. This is just to hard and I can't come up with anything!" Well I usually feel like that a lot and I finally had a breakthrough moment for my typography class. The first to projects were good but not amazing. I was kind of struggling because I was in a class where I wasn't the teacher favorite anymore, and this teacher really doesn't have favorites either. But this teacher is so helpful and insideful. He actually helps me and tells me what I need to fix and how to fix it instead of just going around it like we're beating a dead horse. I wish I could have Brother Franson for all of my graphic design classes. 

So I'm enjoying my moment where I actually created something solid and Brother Franson thought it was a really good and effective design because I really emulated the word deceiving. Its moments like this that make me realize I'm in the right major. I am pretty good. This moment I realized I need to have faith in myself that I can come up with effective designs and that I am good at it. I may need a little more training but I'm off to a good start!

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