Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today has been quite interesting. I've received terrible news that has really quite baffled me. 
All I can say is its good I'm going home. 

I'm in this mood where the slightest thing people do on campus are just driving me up the wall. I'm starting to wonder if its really my thyroid that is causing problems or something else that will not be disclosed at this time. But really I think that my thyroid levels are higher than most normal people. 

Went to a gateway seminar for sweet Whitney. It was worth it. The guy giving the presentation made sitting there all the worth it. Sadly he didn't ask for my number. C'est vrai. 

I'm practically in love with the French Language. I just wish I was fluent. But someday that will come. 

I have an awesome FHE group but mainly Whitney's home is the coolest place! 
We went to her parent's house in good ol' Ashton. It is so beautiful out at the Stevens home. It made me want to go camping. Then I found out about all the bears that live out in there in the woods near their home (They live 38 miles from Yellowstone). Still cool but I realized what whimp I am. I'm still going to go back out there and see a bear. So while we were out there we went looking for bears and got a little dirty. So worth it. Had you're typical camp fire and heard stories about bears from Whitney's dad. And of course he was egging me own and made me jump and scream at one point because I thought there was a bear waiting for us. He taught us a  fire dance, I couldn't stop laughing while we were doing it. Oh how I love summer. 

 {Getting ready to play no bears are out tonight with real bears...
   Don't worry Jenna had the bear spray.}

{Picture time before heading out to bear pond}

{Nothing like getting muddy from a four-wheeler. Gotta love getting muddy!}

I hope everyone is having a great week, cause everyone deserves one! 

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