Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Design

It's official I think its time I actually get a blog dedicated to my graphic design and leave this to my personal life/journal.  All I can say is if I've done work for you or you've seen my work recommend me to anyone and everyone! Photographers please consider hiring me out to do your annoucements, gives you more time for your photography and you're getting some one with the knowledge of great graphic design! I want to get this announcement thing going! Hahaha! Well me being a graphic design student my roommate asked if I could help with her sister's announcement. I gladly accepted because it would mean one less badly designed announcement and I'm weird because I like designing announcements (which most graphic designers aren't keen into doing). So Kayla wanted a banner theme with rustic colors and I just through in the magic. What can I say, I love everything about graphic design. Its definitely becoming a passion of mine, which I think is a good sign! :) So enjoy and don't forget to book with me for your graphic design needs! I love working with clients and coming up with creative solutions! (contact me at, we'll wait for a later date to post my phone number) Thank you for those who have believed in my talents and those who support my talents and my career direction choice! A lot of this wouldn't be possible without the people who believe in me! You are all wonderful and I love you! (Please do not download or copy this image! It is my own work and I put a lot of time and energy into this. Its not fair to me when you copy my work and claim it as your own. Art is all about sharing but not stealing!)

Kayla Grad photo KaylaGrad-01_zps69cd57c8.png

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