Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dear Daylight Savings,
Stop stealing my sleeping time! Sure you may have seemed like a stroke of genius when Mr. Franklin came up with you.  Last time I checked the day is not longer just because you moved the time. Yeah their is more light but we really don't need to adjust our time just so there is more sunlight in our day. Its today that makes me wish that the rest of us were like Arizona who didn't worry about this junk.  Yes, Daylight Savings, it is personal. I wouldn't mind the idea of you dying so I didn't have to struggle with feeling tired during the 8 or 9 months of you. Sorry Daylight Savings your not as bright as you were meant to be!

A girl who loves sleep a lot

P.S. If you need to stay then make day light savings last from May to August.

This Picture says it all

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