Thursday, October 25, 2012

Begin Again

PhotobucketIt snowed today, a lot of snow today. It was a beautiful sight really. I was originally grumpy with it, it really changes my morning walk on Mondays and Wednesdays. I actually love walking out in the snow, really quite magical. I wanted to listen to Christmas music all morning. At work the other employees and I watched me supervisor struggle to get into a parking spot. Lesson of the day:make sure your four wheel drive engages. The gardens was a beautiful site really. I have two roommates that are disagreeing about it though. Its quite hilarious  One sees no point to snow the other one could marry snow. In other news I'm starting to be better about taking pictures. There could be a reason for that and I'm just not ready to share that yet.  But lets just say it feels like beginning again. And its been the best unexpected thing that I have needed. But for now enjoy the pictures of the snow in all of their glory. And I'm thankful I live in Rexburg where the snow doesn't melt immediately after it has fallen on to the ground like Oakley. Yup. Its windy and yet the snow stays here. And I have a good reason to wear a hat to class. Its lovely.


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