Sunday, October 21, 2012

Good Things

Besides the sad note that I have been a terrible blogger lately lots of great things have been happening. Hopefully I'll get use to the busy lifestyle I'm living. And have my camera with me more. Anyways I have been truly blessed.

So I've been writing this missionary for a good long while now and things have exciting to say the least. I've never met this missionary in real life...but I'm writing him and its kind of, sort of a long story so I won't be sharing that one anytime soon. Well today after getting back from my trip I had a written letter with a surprise. The surprise you ask...well it was Argentinean pesos. How did this boy know I loved foreign money? 

I got to go home for the weekend. Despirte feeling crummy at the start, I slowly felt better after doing homework and eating food cooked by my mother. It was just good to be home with people that love me for who I am and they let me complain about anything...well maybe they limit my number of complaints about wedding announcements. 

Haunted Mansions with the sisters. Enough said besides the awkward moment when the 15 year old tried to make a move by holding my hand. 

Mom making my favorite meal. Cube steak and mashed potatoes with gravy. Y-u-m-m-y. Mmmmm!

Working. It's such a blessing to have the ability work and to have an opportunity to work. 

The most wonderful friends that took care of me when I was sick with a mild version of the flu I'm sure. It wasn't fun. Let's say I had a steady diet of ginger ale and soda crackers. Hey I lost weight...the only good thing about being sick. 

Being sent back to school with lots of goodies. Pumpkins, apples, potatoes, and rolls. 

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