Saturday, April 13, 2013

New Testament: That Ye May Have Fellowship with Us and God| 1 John 1-3

What is John's desire for those he wrote to?
He wants those he is writing to find and have fellowship with the saints, John, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ. Also that their joy would be filled by the gospel and Jesus Christ.

How can we come to know God better and have greater joy and fellowship with God?

1John 1:8-10 - Confess of our sins and not lie about them
          2:3-6 - Keep the commandments - walk as the Savior did
          2:9-11; 3:11-19 - Love our neighbors and walk in the light
          2:15-17 - Love not the things of the world be not of the world, the world does not last long as
                         does the things of Heaven. Christ
          2:20-21, 27 - We know the truth from Christ, We are anointed by Him
          3:4-6 -  Atonement, we know Christ through the Atonement

For me, the one I want to work on the most to have greater joy in the fellowship of God is Love our neighbors and walk in the night. I tend to struggle with loving my neighbor a lot. Especially when it comes to roommates. You are living with each other and stress is high during school especially. You all have been raised different ways and you expect different things. Its easy to just ignore the situation and not having anything to do with it. Creating a some form of ommission by not trying. You just do everything else but don't do that one thing. Trying to love the people you live with. Its easy to love those you don't actually live with them. My neighbors are my roommates and with a new semester coming up I am going to make an effort to serve my roommates to help increase my love for them. I'm going to involve all of them. Also by loving my roommates and being more like Christ and loving my fellow brothers and sisters in our journey on Earth.

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