Monday, April 8, 2013

Sister Getaway

So I'm finally doing a blog post about going ons in my life.  I got tickets to go to the Sunday Morning Session of General Conference. If you don't know what that is check out this link right here. You can even watch the videos, just click here. When my bishop gave me two tickets to the session I immediately wanted to take my little sister, Aubrie, with me. She's graduating soon and I just wanted a weekend for us to bond and spend sometime together.  It was able to work out that she would could and wanted to come with me.  

I met up with my parents in Pocatello to pick her up. And the road trip started. That girl is hilarious! Her laugh is contagious! Its a little known fact that I would sorta laugh when I was baby. But it wasn't until Aubrie was born that I really started to laugh. She completed me and she makes me laugh all the time. The girl needs her own show! I love the things that come out of her mouth. 

We bunked at my sweet cousin's apartment. We got to sleep on her new couches and got to enjoy having an Apple TV in the house.  Chelsie was a doll for letting us come and stay at her place. And a big congratulations to her and her fiancé. They are perfect for each other. :) Love ya Chels! 

First session of conference and she was out. It was presh!

Out on the town in Sandy, Utah. Went to the mall and got some things. Have I said how much I love having a car!! Its the best thing ever. And my smart phone because then I don't get lost and I can find awesome places!!

After shopping it was time to eat and what better combination is cupcakes and jamba juice. The best kind for two sisters who love jamba and love something sweet. We tried The Sweet Toot Fairy for the first time! So. Good! Better than the local place we have here in Rexburg. The cupcakes were so moist and delicious. I definitely recommend the nutella crepe and the strawberry shortcake. The coconut was good but to much almond extract in the frosting. Thats just a family thing, the Woodhouse family as never been big on too much almond extract. 

Getting to the Conference Center was kind of intense and stressful. We had originally planned to ride the trax to get there but they had cut their hours on Sunday. Then trying to find parking was just grand. We did find a parking place, walked quickly through City Creek, and made it in time to get a seat and to watch Music and The Spoken Word. Which was beautiful. This picture of us is before we got into the conference center. My sister is super gorgeous!

Aubrie wouldn't take a picture with me so this was the best I could do to get both of us. She is a nerd sometimes about pictures. Then as Aubrie and I were headed out of the Conference building to go back to the car I ran into good ol' Jimmy Haas! I hung out with this kid a lot Fall 2011! He's such a good guy and I was glad to see he was doing great! I've missed Jimmy.

Our trip wasn't complete until Aubrie and I got some In and Out Burger. Its been a favorite of ours when we go down to the Salt Lake Valley Area. It was super delicious and the shakes were awesome. Aubrie and I were satisfied and made the trek back to Idaho. She zonked and I listened to conference as I drove. I'm so glad Aubrie came with me and I got to spend time with her. Lots of fun for sure! 

I'll talk more about the spiritual side of conference in the next post.

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