Tuesday, May 7, 2013

alone part 2

I use to know my place in Rexburg. I use to have plenty of friends to hang out with. I use to do things every Friday night. I had somewhere to go when things got rough. I use to be able to tell if people were truly my genuine friend and weren't faking it. I use to be able just call up a random friend in Rexburg and be able to pour out my heart ache. I use to be able to make friends easy in Rexburg. I use to be happy about a lot of things in Rexburg but nothing feels right anymore. 

I feel like my appreciation of being alone has jumped immensely in the last 4 weeks. I'm constantly reminding myself patience at this point in my life. I've received the answers to my prayers and I just need to patiently wait for the time to come. But I know I will find happiness the best way I can. It will require some help from the atonement of Jesus Christ. But good things are coming and things are changing fast. All things are possible for those who believe and I believe things will get better. Patience, the thing I need the most and the thing I hate working on.

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