Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Design Me Better: Preface

Since getting into more Graphic Design classes I felt like I've been plagued with a desire to scream constantly. Why, you ask? Because there seems to be a plethora of bad design in this world. Mom blogs, blogs in general, pinterest quotes, and even in the business world. Sometimes its makes me sick to think I was one of those people that thought teeny tiny picture collage announcements were such a genius idea (excuse me while I go through up). Some may say I'm being too critical, but my amazing Graphic Design teacher says its just honesty. And our society expects perfection. You are critics when it comes to everything and you expect perfection. You always pick the nice box, and quickly push aside the dented box, that may have a slight rip in it. Why because you pay for it, right. Might as well make an effort to have things well designed.

And I've gone through some old projects from previous classes and let me tell you, some of them need some serious work. I'm not perfect in my design. I'm still working at it. Sometimes I need to go back to those projects and give them some more attention or as my teacher calls it TLC, tender love & care. I'm not saying I'm an expert and I'm not saying my designs are perfect but I know how to look at something and go oh I see the problems, I can think of ways of making it better. I can say I'm  good at that because I've spent time with teachers and students going over my own work and other students works. I've read several books that have helped my understanding.

So I'm starting a new project, Design Me Better and I would have a lovely new graphic for this project but that won't happen until Friday when my software finally comes (FYI I'm selling my CS5.5 Design Premium for a reasonable price. If interested contact me at But here is the project along with my regular school work and I may start posting these on a different design blog. The project is to share what I have learned with all of you by creating. I will take examples that I find anywhere and make it look better visually. A lot will come from pinterest and you can even submit stuff to be redesigned. I plan on doing one a week.So send your ideas to You can send me projects you have worked on in the past and I'll help you by showing you how I would make it better. One thing that I have learned as a student of Graphic Design talking with other designers will help your work. Honesty in design is important. Design is solving problems, not creating problems. So join me on this project and we'll learn together. Excited to hear from you and what you think. So be apart of my Design Me Better project! There is design out their that needs more love! By doing this I'll improve my portfolio immensely so help a college girl out!

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