Friday, February 3, 2012

Good things

I've decided I need to do more posts about good things. 
Good going ons, I think you get the picture.

I've lost more weight. I'm super glad my thyroid is doing better.
It makes me feel better and the experience being home better.
And I'm fitting into smaller jeans.

I have a job. I'm so grateful I have a way to provide for myself
in months to come at school. Its pretty fun to!

I am a member of the Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter Day.
And I have a testimony of Christ's gospel.

I finished a wedding announcement for a dear friend.

My new glasses are being shipped and I have new sunglasses.

Phone calls with Lindsey.

Reading the Book of Mormon everyday.

Typography. Need I say more.

Facebook chats that surprise me and make me happy.

Life is just good!

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