Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good Things

How many hours I got last week. 
Truly a blessing. 

Deleting my facebook for a while. 
Its kind of a freeing experience. 

Being able to see my bestie Lindsey last week
and talking to my bestie Josi on the phone. 

Hot date with my sister Lauren.
Of course to see The Vow.  And yes I cried when she said,
 "You just loved me instead of trying to change me." yup. it got to me good.  
Followed by some half baked ice cream.

Going to Stake Conference with the family. 
Heard words I needed to hear. 
{love those fabulous shoes...to bad lauren can't come to school with me so I can borrow them}

Design, Design, Design.

 Taking the night off on President's Day so  I could spend the day with the family. 
I think of dinosaurs as my family. 

All the hype about the Hunger Games movie and the books. 
And can I say its so much better than Twilight.
Yes, I just said that. And I'm digging Taylor's song.  


  1. Oh rex I miss you. the whole deleting facebook came out of the blue..

    1. Still saddened. Miss our chats. :-((

      (Had to put 2 frowny faces)

    2. It's not definite just for a while.
