Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Single and still happy.

I've been frustrated lately with people lately telling me
I need to get a boyfriend. I'm tired of people
telling me I need to get on that. 
Really...really people. I glad some one finally said 
I should just wait until I'm 35 to worry. 
I'm  twenty years old and that does not make me an old maid people. 
Sorry it doesn't I know it may seem like that by Mormon Standards 
but its not. Or BYUI standards for that matter. 
So on this Valentines times I am happy I am single. 
I am happy I am me. 
I'm happy I love myself for who I am. 
Last I checked you need to be happy by yourself
because its not going to change when you're with someone else.

So this valentines day I am celebrating myself because I know nothing 
wrong with me. I am a nice person. And I am a gorgeous girl 
according to my family and the wonderful people in my life. 
There will be a day where I spend Valentines with a special man and I'm excited 
for those days. But I'm excited for now. 

So this valentines I treated myself. I got myself a movie and some chocolate. 
And I worked pretty much all day which just side tracked me 
because it was super Busy. 

So happy valentines y'all. Hope it was a good one. 
And know I love you!

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