Sunday, February 12, 2012


Life is good but not really exciting right now. 
I've decided I definitely post more when  I'm at school then when I do at home. 
My adventures at BYU-I are way more exciting. 
My life gets exciting when I clean my room, do laundry, or just go to bed at a decent time.
The meh... of my life is I'm starting to get board and somewhat lonely.
I'm missing Linds and I want to be sharing a room again.
I want to be back in my Art Classes where I'm learning
so many new things that make me excited.
I miss the thousands upon thousands of guys I could see while walking on campus. 

I guess I should just be excited about having a fun job. 
Be happy hilarious things happen at work {Emily's a witness}.
Be glad that things at home are good.
Smile because I have such wonderful people in my life 
that let me know I'm a nice person. 
And say thank you anytime anybody tells me I'm pretty. 

I guess its the the meh things in life that make me pretty happy. 

oh thought I would share this. I found the quote on pinterest and I wanted to make one for 
my little brother. He's the best kind of super hero for sure!

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