Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

 I love the 4th of July, it's a fun day. Parades and Fireworks and almost everyone and their dog dressed in Red, White, and Blue. I got to spend the day celebrating freedom with friends. The Amazing Spider Man with Kelcie, Jake(FHE Brother who served in Paris), and Diana. I will never complain about movie prices back home ever again. Seriously an arm and a leg for that movie theater. Cafe Rio was close by so I sold my soul for a pork salad. Divine. (Costa Vida you...uh stink...) Finding Lindsey at Denny's was an adventure in the making. Saw lots of funny signs and saw lots of weirdos and discovered the ghettos of IF(Idaho Falls who don't know Rexburg slang).  Got to Dennys and needed a gallon of sanitize after walking through it. Then the best part fireworks on the river. After freaking out watching some of them pop snapper with their hands, teeth, and flicking it in mid air(the little rocks flying into my face hurt) and trying to take a picture of an oufit on a little girl because it was pinterest material the show began. I was dazzled by fireworks for 35 minutes. IF surely knows how to put on a show. And lets say the guy from Chicago says its just as good as Chicago's Firework show. God bless this great nation. Its a good place to live.

And a side note: So you are probably wondering "How did she get such cool pictures of fireworks?"...well my little secret is I have a setting on my camera for fireworks. Got some really cool and funky looking pictures.

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