Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thats a Wrap!

Is the semester already over? 14 weeks of my life just flashed by? Say What!? I can't believe I just finished my 4th semester of college. I'm a junior! Whats happening to me? Before I know it I'll be 21 and almost done with my degree!
This semester has been a good one! No drama in the apartment. (sad but thats true it took me 4 times to finally get a good apartment, by the way I'm living with them again) Lots of my really good friends got engaged! Exciting I know and I'm getting more awesome too.
100% on my Font ID test. I took the practice test 30 times to get that score.
An amazing typogram that my teacher liked a lot.
Getting a 100 on my first oral evaluation(second time didn't get enough dialogue to get that)
B in French. Yup I got a B in French and didn't even take it in high school. Not to shabby.
Meeting a super cute guy.
Meeting amazing people in my classes. That list could go on for ever. Seriously.
Awesome roommates.

Pretty much being sick for most of the semester-it was awful. Awful I tell you.
Almost dying after finals
Hardly seeing that cute boy...we'll save that story for a rainy day or when I just feel like it.
Lindsey won't be my room roommate anymore. Psh...I hope she realizes what she is missing out on!
And maybe neglecting some classes for Typography and French...yeah thankfully I got that all figured out.

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