Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chloe lately.

Well this last week has been crazy. And I've really had no time to catch my breath or my sleep.
Harvest snuck  up and I'm already working which is making me more tired. Oh grain harvest how I love and hate you at the same time. I love it because it gives me a job but I hate it because some of the people I interact with at work are quite the characters. Thankfully the racist hasn't shown up yet but I've planning a Mexican party to happen when he starts bringing in trucks. I haven't taken pictures of work yet to show what an exciting job it is and what exactly I do because most people think when I say harvest I'm working potato harvest because I'm from Idaho. Idaho grows a vast amounts of crops especially in the valley I live in. But I digress. So I've been trying to be domestic on the side of work making jam, working on finishing a dress I started sewing a year ago and fixing shirts I bought to be bit more modest.  Also I sit on the recliner with the dog, who tries to take up most of the seat  the trud! I chopped my hair a lot shorter than planned (thanks medicine that's drying my hair out pretty bad)

Olympics have started and I can I say Ryan Lochte's determination has mad his gorgeousness increase by a 100%. Yeah I look forward to watching him race more.  Ceremonies were fantastic but China is still number one. It'll be a long time before that is topped. My favorite parts of London's celebrations was Mr. Bean, what can I say he'll always be my favorite and the deaf children seeing. Precious I tell you, precious! And I can't lie, I teared up at that part. Bond and the queen was pretty hilarious. But really Queen Elizabeth are we supposed to believe you jumped out of that helicopter? I  just love the Olympics! And I love the feeling of opening ceremonies gives you that there is still good in the world.

Have a happy week everybody! You deserve it!

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