Thursday, August 2, 2012

Good Things

Already start working. I'm so lucky to have a a job for this awkward break of seven weeks. What can I say I'm good at what I do and its really not that hard to be a scale operator. 

I found out I'll receive I nice big pell grant this coming school year which will allow me the option to stay and take classes winter semester. Huge blessing! 

My single ward bishopric back home. They are simply amazing and I'm so glad I know they love me!

I quick girls night with Josi. Complete with Sherlock Holmes and fun dip. Just like high school. Really happy she is Provo already but pretty bummed she left so early. That girl is destined for greatness. 

New clothes. What girl isn't excited about new clothes?! Really?

Olympics. I love it. Love watching it and seeing the drive of all the athletes! Gabby Douglus is super cute and I love watching her compete. And I have anew favorite swimmer Nathan Adrian. I'm starting to notice I have a thing for swimmer. They are tall, gorgeous, and have got the muscles. I can't wait for track events to start. 

My new goal. It surprised me. I am going to read the entire Book of Mormon by the time I move back up to school. I figured it out and since starting it on Tuesday I'm schedule.  Read about 6 to 7 chapters a day I'll make. I think I will. I really want to do this.

Reading Lectures on Faith. In a way its mind blowing because I never thought of faith like the book describes and yet it makes sense. Another favorite read right now is However long and hard the road by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. 

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