Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Yesterday's post and today's post are making up for the lack of Dear Boys post and really this is exciting as my life gets right now. Ha.

Well I never where makeup when I work at the scale. I basically grunge down for the jump to prevent from awkward moments of truck drivers hitting on me. Well apparently it doesn't stop some people and apparently I look decent with out makeup these days. I had another incident today but not with some high school boy. I'm not sure how old this guy was-wanna say mid-twentites-anyway. This guy was f-i-n-e, fine. This guy was a tall glass of water if you know what I mean haha. Anyway this guy was wearing sunglasses and I could just tell he was good looking. Well after he left the first time I turn to Kade exclaim how he's hot. And we laugh. Well the next time he brings in a new load he totally takes his sunglasses off and I can totally see he's looking at me by using my peripherals. Well I give him his bin ticket so he can go dump and we totally eye lock. Oh my goodness it actually felt good even though I know nothing was going to come of it. But just to have a guy check me out when I'm wearing no makeup felt good. To bad that driver is a mechanic and was driving for just a couple of hours and I'll never come back to the scale house again. So lame. But I'm glad to know I'm comfortable with out makeup. Maybe I'll take a picture of myself tomorrow and post it. Hmmm...chances are very unlikely.

Plus I have finally written up Chloe's Typography Advice for any Blogger finally. I've been wanting to do this and finally I got my basic tips narrowed down and school isn't frying my brain. So stay tuned.  And I'll post some pictures of work so you can see how exciting my job is eventually. 

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