Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jet Ski Kind of a Night

Earlier today I had text my good friend Bryson about doing something tonight. I was expecting movies but then he surprised me with saying wanna Seadoo. Of course with out hesitation I said yes and I called up Jacque as well. After meeting up at his house we headed up to the Oakley Reservoir for some speed and water. I was surprised with how warm the water was and how warm the air was with how late it was getting. Sadly we had started to late and had to load up early. After almost getting stuck and finally realizing an oops we headed up listening to a hilarious song and introduced Mat Kearny to both of them it was time to head home and get into bed  and get warm. Oh how I love summer and I'm not ready for it to be already. And I'm gearing up for Rexburg already. Everyone else has started school including my mom {She's headed for a Dietetics degree} so its me and the dog for the most part. Thank goodness for moonlight jet ski rides with good friends to keep me sane. I can't wait to see my Rexburg friends next week and to get the party started. And to drop off wedding presents to recently and soon to be married friends. Don't worry I plan on hanging with roommates and avoiding marriage like the plague. I have good feelings about the next semester. Its going to be a good one full of good happenings. 

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