Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Remember how I talked about reading the Book of Mormon in 37 days. Yes 37 days all before Fall 2012 semester. I really don't know where I got the idea but its probably been one of the best ideas I have ever had to actually challenge myself. I'm way a head of schedule and already more than a quarter of the way done (I'm reading more than six chapters a day).

For those who don't know what the Book of Mormon is, it is another Testament of Christ and scripture that was translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Some say that it condriticts the bible but really the Bible and the Book of Mormon are fitted together and help each other.

I know the Book of Mormon to be true. I have read it myself and with my family and every time I am reassured that it is true. Even though I grew up in the LDS faith I still prayed about the Book of Mormon for myself to know if it is true. The Book of Mormon draws me closer to Heavenly Father and Christ. When I read it I feel happy and I don't ever want to do a bad thing again. God speaks to us today and he has provided the world with the Book of Mormon.  It will prepare for what lies a head. I feel God's love when I read the Book of Mormon because I know he prepared it for our day. It is a wonderful book. I know it is the Word of God.

If you are wondering how you can get a Book of Mormon, go to my profile page and send me a message and I will mail you one or you can go to lds.org to read the Book of Mormon online. 

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