Sunday, August 26, 2012

Heaven on Earth

This past weekend has been quite exciting. I was glad for a trip to Utah after being home for almost the week of being home working on a logo and sleeping and watching Psych and avoiding my packing that needs to happen. So when it was getting closer to my father's half marathon my mom had the idea to go to the Brigham City Temple Open House. What can I say my mom is a genius and I'm so glad we went. 


Bride's dressing room. Super Gorgeous and has my favorite painting of Esther in the Room{via}

Where families are sealed for time and eternity. {via}

Brigham City Peach Blossom for some of the window details and various other 
details around the temple. Love.{via}

I was so glad to experience going through the whole temple with my family again. It was a lot different than the Twin Falls temple in regards that the tour was long and you had an actual tour guide. This tour was just a long line through the whole temple looking at everything. It was a gorgeous temple just like the Twin Falls Temple. Knowing that it is Heavenly Father's home makes me apperciate what goes in to building a temple and making it beautiful. It has the most beautiful things inside. I can't wait for the day to where I can go and do other temple ordinances. If you don't fully understand what temples are and why they aren't open to the general public go  here and here. I can't wait until I am sealed to my eternal companion. I really don't care what temple I get married in but Brigham City has become a contender. If you haven't gone to see this temple go see it! Its worth it and the open house will last until September 15th. And if you have questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days there are missionaries ready to take your questions at the open house.

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