Thursday, August 9, 2012


So dignified.

Remember when I said I was going to write blog posts about what I do for work because really my work is quite interesting and I meet quite the characters and people who I can't speak to because they don't understand me. Que Chloe making hand motions and asking her supervisor to speak Spanish for her. Well I've forgotten to charge my camera and work has been pretty slow. Its been a strange harvest that's for sure. Today was intense. Busiest day at Beetville so far this harvest. The best part is I  was by myself. My teammate was asked to go to another scale. So I was all by myself and had 110 trucks and I didn't make any mistakes at all. And normally I get about 1 or 2 mistakes a day with another person helping me with harvest. Impressive I think so. But thats just me and I've been working in a scale house for five years. So truck drivers please shut the scale house door when you leave and get on the scales the correct way. No more of your shinanigans. I'm tired, so ready for some wonderful sleep. But hey can't complain about today got some good hours and dad picked me up and we got some taco bandito to go. YUM! Love me some taco salad burrito and sugar tias!

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