Sunday, September 9, 2012

Consider the Lilies

I have church at 1:30PM and I feel like it pushes all of my Sabbath day things back. Especially when you have CES fireside that takes up your evening time. Not that I have problem with it. So after being spiritual fed all day, I went for a bike ride and listened to one of my favorite talks of all time by President Uchtdorf. Go here to read. And then after talking with Linds and riding my bike back home I turned Mormon Tabernacle Choir on Shuffle and got this song. It was what I needed to hear. I knew Heavenly Father will always be watching me and will always be there for me. This semester is going to be different and I'm excited  for it. But Heavenly Father is always concerned about us. He is our Father and we are his children. He wants the best for us and we should do everything to receive his blessings. Remember to always consider the lilies. 

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