Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happiness is...

Sunday mornings filled with Mormon Tabernacle choir. Since church is so late for my apartment I get up each Sunday, eat breakfast and watch Music and the Spoken word. The choir even sang my favorite hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. That song brings me such peace. Then its getting ready for church with Mo-Tab playing through out the house. It may be different songs but its still pretty wonderful. 

Coming up with my own soup recipe. Yeah I'm that genius. And It was super delicious. Yes, you tastes buds are watering right now because they are jealous of my mad soup skills. My mug cake was super delicious too. Especially when I accidentally poured to many chocolate chips into it. Stop drooling on your computer. That's gross.

Going for a bike ride. I still hate that everything is so pushed back but I love my late afternoon bike rides. I'll be sad once its too cold and dark for me to do it anymore. I love the fall breeze in my face and hair. The leaves changing their colors. Its so beautiful and it makes it better when I have happy tunes playing in my earbuds. 

Is talking to my mother and Sharla on the phone. They are such a great motivators! I'm glad I can hear the love in their voices. I wish I could give them a big hug everyday! 

The New Black Keys album. Love the retro sound. I just want to go crazy and dance to it and be silly. 

Stumbling upon the original Pink Panther and the Pink Panther Strikes again. It reminds me of my dearest Josi. She introduced me to the greatness. And I thank her greatly for sharing. 

Having a job. I can't explain how grateful I am for my job. Its not much but it is definitely a great blessing in my life. 

Isn't life just a wonderful thing? It may not be perfect but at least it's still good!

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