Saturday, September 8, 2012

moved in

Yesterday was the longest day of my life. Loaded up the little Camry with all of my stuff {I have way to many clothes I've decided} and headed into Burley to run errands and for my mom to go to glass. After eating lunch and finding out the dry cleaners misplaced skirt{argh}, mama and I were on the freeway. Fast forward >> Winco in IF>> REXBURG! Yay! Sad part my mom helped me unload everything and then left me. I guess its about time its finally happening it was just weird and strange wrapped up together in a burrito covered in the sour cream of hate of change. So let the good times roll. This semester is going to be filled with lots of adventures and smiles. I would post pictures of my room but its the same as last semester so go figure. 

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