Monday, February 27, 2012

truths about me.

I love singing 80's songs at the top of my lungs.

I don't have a problem with dancing around the house while I'm cleaning.
I know. You're jealous.

I'll run and frolic out in the winter cold in my short swim shorts.
 I reminds me I'm alive.

I'm probably on the internet more than I should.

I still makes wishes on stars and when the clock says 11:11.
I'll hold my breathe over bridges for extra wishes.

I believe in fairy tales.

I'll still eat cookie dough even though I've gotten sick from it.

I tell myself everyday that any guy would be lucky to have me.

My two greatest fears in life are getting fat and being alone the rest of my life.

I consider myself outspoken. I will always speak my mind.
Sometimes I even stay stupid things and a relationship is never the same.

Sometimes when I write my blog its for my choice spirits that will be blessings in the future.

I hate girls who play dumb. It's not cute.

I'm excited to be going back to school.
I want to get back to graphic design and my friends.

I don't hate anybody. The only reason I stop keeping that relationship going
is because we don't owe it to each other to keep up an act.

I really want to be a mother. I get all excited when I see babies.

I've come to realize the importance of forgiveness. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good Things

How many hours I got last week. 
Truly a blessing. 

Deleting my facebook for a while. 
Its kind of a freeing experience. 

Being able to see my bestie Lindsey last week
and talking to my bestie Josi on the phone. 

Hot date with my sister Lauren.
Of course to see The Vow.  And yes I cried when she said,
 "You just loved me instead of trying to change me." yup. it got to me good.  
Followed by some half baked ice cream.

Going to Stake Conference with the family. 
Heard words I needed to hear. 
{love those fabulous bad lauren can't come to school with me so I can borrow them}

Design, Design, Design.

 Taking the night off on President's Day so  I could spend the day with the family. 
I think of dinosaurs as my family. 

All the hype about the Hunger Games movie and the books. 
And can I say its so much better than Twilight.
Yes, I just said that. And I'm digging Taylor's song.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Oo La La

I had this came up with this idea when I wanted to do something creative.
I saw a subway about France and french sayings but I was not
a fan sadly. So I decided to create my own thing. 
Its all Paris and has some french phrases.
Man I love what I do and what I am coming up with. 

Truth is I feel close to my Heavenly Father when I am creating.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I don't know how many people will see this because 
I did something that needed to be done.
I deactivated/deleted my facebook for a good while. 
So I guess in the long run I really don't care if people read this or not. 

I had many reasons to why I deleted book face. 

For one I was getting tired of hearing every single detail about peoples' life. 
And heaven forbid I did not want to hear about how some mother's children
pooped in their pants and how they had to actually had to clean it up.

I hated how parents would handle situations that should have 
been private. Yeah you don't need to tell the world everything 
people. Be the bigger person and not rag about someone who did wrong to you!
Its really not fair and it makes you look bad, not them. 

I hate the language and the lack of grammar use. 
No wonder America is going downhill. 
There is no sense of propriety and we sound like idiots. 
I really don't need to see swearing on facebook mainly the mother of swear words. 
Yeah. you don't need to share that! 

I don't want to be apart of the brag fest anymore. 
Facebook has turned into well you may be doing that
but I'm doing something that's so much better than you. 
You may have gotten that for Christmas but my gift is so much better. 

So some may say I deleted facebook for attention but I did it for myself. 
I was spending to much time and every time I got on.
I would feel like crap because so and so was doing this or I didn't have what they had.
So I'm focusing on things that make me happy.
I want to be at my best.
At this time it means facebook needs to be out of my life for a while. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Single and still happy.

I've been frustrated lately with people lately telling me
I need to get a boyfriend. I'm tired of people
telling me I need to get on that. 
Really...really people. I glad some one finally said 
I should just wait until I'm 35 to worry. 
I'm  twenty years old and that does not make me an old maid people. 
Sorry it doesn't I know it may seem like that by Mormon Standards 
but its not. Or BYUI standards for that matter. 
So on this Valentines times I am happy I am single. 
I am happy I am me. 
I'm happy I love myself for who I am. 
Last I checked you need to be happy by yourself
because its not going to change when you're with someone else.

So this valentines day I am celebrating myself because I know nothing 
wrong with me. I am a nice person. And I am a gorgeous girl 
according to my family and the wonderful people in my life. 
There will be a day where I spend Valentines with a special man and I'm excited 
for those days. But I'm excited for now. 

So this valentines I treated myself. I got myself a movie and some chocolate. 
And I worked pretty much all day which just side tracked me 
because it was super Busy. 

So happy valentines y'all. Hope it was a good one. 
And know I love you!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Life is good but not really exciting right now. 
I've decided I definitely post more when  I'm at school then when I do at home. 
My adventures at BYU-I are way more exciting. 
My life gets exciting when I clean my room, do laundry, or just go to bed at a decent time.
The meh... of my life is I'm starting to get board and somewhat lonely.
I'm missing Linds and I want to be sharing a room again.
I want to be back in my Art Classes where I'm learning
so many new things that make me excited.
I miss the thousands upon thousands of guys I could see while walking on campus. 

I guess I should just be excited about having a fun job. 
Be happy hilarious things happen at work {Emily's a witness}.
Be glad that things at home are good.
Smile because I have such wonderful people in my life 
that let me know I'm a nice person. 
And say thank you anytime anybody tells me I'm pretty. 

I guess its the the meh things in life that make me pretty happy. 

oh thought I would share this. I found the quote on pinterest and I wanted to make one for 
my little brother. He's the best kind of super hero for sure!

Monday, February 6, 2012

My thyroid and I

I've wanted to do this post for a while. But I thought I would wait until at least after the year mark. 
About a year ago I found out I had a thyroid problem and they aren't just for old people. 
Later I found out I have hashimoto's disease- which is an auto-immune disease.
So pretty much my thyroid was enlarging because my body was attacking it. 
So some signs that got my mom thinking about. I put on a large amount of weight in a 2 week period. 
I was working out and eating right but I wasn't dropping anything. I was sleeping all the time.  
As soon as I got done with classes for the day I was home having a 3 hour nap. 
I was cold even though it was pretty warm. 
And yes I, the thing most young women are scared about, I was getting a goiter. 
So I went to the doctor as soon as I was home for a good while. 
He confirmed what my mom believed. I got blood drawn, something I'll have to deal with the rest of my life.  
I got put on a thyroid medication and it was a long, slow wait to see improvement. 
While home I still felt like crap, I felt fat, and I felt very unpretty. My mom says most of those feelings just came because I was sick and unwell. 
Once I got back to school for spring semester I started feeling so much better. I was running and I wasn't sleeping all the time.  I had energy again. I was finally going to the bathroom again for heaven's sake{sorry for that visual}. 
Things that are normal function I became grateful for because it meant my body was working again. Your thyroid controls a lot and when it is shutting down, so is your body.  
And even though I wasn't losing weight yet I felt comfortable in my body. I felt pretty. And it has been 
getting better ever since. I dropped a pant size and clothes that fit before I got to college were fitting again. 
After this whole experience I have decided when you are healthy you have every reason to be comfortable in your own skin.  I'm more conscious for the most part about what I put in my body. I've limited the fast food and I'm eating better while I am at school. 
I owed it to myself to be healthy. Our loving Heavenly Father has given each of us an amazing body and we should do everything to take care of it. Eat healthy, exercise, and yes occasionally eat the food we crave. My reward is having my life back and being healthy again. So there is me on my soapbox about healthy living and doing it for the right reasons. 

                 {April 2011}                                                                                      {January 2012}
I'm proud of the girl on the right because she is more confident, she's healthy and well, and is getting her priorities straight by worrying about the right things.  

Friday, February 3, 2012

Good things

I've decided I need to do more posts about good things. 
Good going ons, I think you get the picture.

I've lost more weight. I'm super glad my thyroid is doing better.
It makes me feel better and the experience being home better.
And I'm fitting into smaller jeans.

I have a job. I'm so grateful I have a way to provide for myself
in months to come at school. Its pretty fun to!

I am a member of the Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter Day.
And I have a testimony of Christ's gospel.

I finished a wedding announcement for a dear friend.

My new glasses are being shipped and I have new sunglasses.

Phone calls with Lindsey.

Reading the Book of Mormon everyday.

Typography. Need I say more.

Facebook chats that surprise me and make me happy.

Life is just good!