Friday, June 7, 2013

Dear Boys

Its been awhile since I've done dear boys, and that probably has to do with my lack there of. We can discuss my awkwardness and about the days I have where I don't really care.

Dear Apparently Engaged Guy,
You should consider getting your self a ring.
Engagement rings for guys are good idea.
-embarrassed flirt

Dear Tom Sellek,
Thank you for your mustache. And thanks
for doing the voice over for North America.
-slightly obsessed with mustaches

Dear S,
Thanks for believing in me and being the
older brother I never had. Its could to know
I have you when life get hard in Rexburg.
Sorry I left you in Graphic Design.

Dear Walmart Guy,
Maybe you'll eventually get my number...
but I'm not holding my breath.
-miss talkative

Dear Papa,
Thanks for taking care of me. Making sure
I'm okay even though you can't stop the pain.
Lucky to have you as my dad!

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